Isaac Runion (Runyon) Revolutionary War Pension Petition
Transcribed by Robert Runyon circa 1957 from Revolutionary War Pension Lists, p. 211.
(From Virginia Legislature Petitions, Tazewell County, Archives Division of Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA)
Tazewell County Legislative Petition, 8 Dec 1819
Isaac Runion (click on link to see original documents at Library of Virginia)
ref'd to claims
Reasonable Dec. 15th
Reported Dec. 17th
Bill drawn Dec. 20th
Tazewell County Legislative Petition Dec. 8, 1819
To the honourable the General Assembly of Virginia.
The petition of Isaac Runion of the County of Tazewell humbly represents that he served as a soldier in the militia on several occasions during the Revolutionary War for which he has received but one dollar. By a recital of the occasions and periods of his services, your honourable body will at once perceive upon what grounds he now asks the aid of that country whose Independence his services contributed to establish. The Military services before alluded to commence in the state of New Jersey where he served two months in Capt. Bruce’s Regiment of Militia. Your Petitioner then served one month on the Frontiers of Virginia under Captain Edwards’ Virginia Militia; he next served a tour to North Carolina in Colo. William Campbell’s Regiment of Virginia Militia; and lastly, he served a second tour to North Carolina under Captain Edwards in Colo. Walter Crockett’s Regiment of Virginia Militia. The precise period of service rendered in Carolina your Petitioner cannot now recollect having been so unfortunate as to have all his papers and documents to substantiate the facts herein stated consumed by fire. Your Petitioner has heretofore declined any application to the Justice of his country for a remuneration of his services but in as much as his age now exceeds four score years, the bodily infirmities attendant on that advanced age, added to the entire loss of his eyesight, have reduced him to abject poverty. Your Petitioner therefore throws himself upon the Justice, the Honour, the Patriotism, the liberality and the sympathy of his Country, and humbly petitions to be placed on the Pension List or relieved in such other way as may seem just and proper and your Petitioner as is duly bound will ever pray.
Isaac Runion
Tazewell County to wit,
This day personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace for the county of Tazewell, Isaac Runion, who made oath that the statement made in the foregoing Petition and facts. Oct. 28, 1819 —
William Taylor
This day appeared before me William Taylor, a Justice of the Peace for the said county of Tazewell, Addron Runion who made oath that he knew that the said Isaac Runion marched on the Tours of Militia duly mentioned in the foregoing Petition.
Oct. 18th 1819
In the year 1780 I first knew Mr. Isaac Runion, who then resided in that part of Montgomery County now Wythe on or near Pine run; and recollect to have seen him with the Militia in service in North Carolina in Cap Frederick Edwards’ Company a short time before the Battle of Guilford, but how long he served therein, or what other tour of Militia duty he performed, I cannot say. There were two men of that name at that time I think in service, the Father and the Son, but my memory does not serve me sufficiently to say distinctly that this was the case. I was then very young tho very well acquainted with Cap Edwards and most of his company, who performed that tour of duty in North Carolina in Feb & March 1781 – I think about 14 or 15 years ago Isaac Runion removed from Wythe to Tazewell County. I have not seen him since.
J. Prestoke
Dec ‘29th 1819
I Certify I am well acquainted with Isaac Runnion who petitions for a Pension, that he is eight one years old as I have understood, & that he has been blind nine years and is in grave indigence and poverty. I also know he has a Son to support who is a Cripple and I understand has been always so, that he appears to be about fifty years old—he has also a very aged wife unable to afford any assistance. I further Certify I have heard that the said Runnion performed military service in the Revolutionary War.
He is considered a man of much truth and credit is given to his assertions by those acquainted with him.
John B. George
Dec. 30, 1819